mike swirling chocolate  PC the samoan

mike swirling chocolate  PC the samoan

On the second and third days of January of this new 2018 time - our crew found themselves at Smuggler's Notch. This part of the year is a renewal of life for many - time to make promises to one's brain, and really become one's potential. The crew undoubtably dug deep on these days, pondering life choices and directions.......


riders @stokedonice and @twoguns19  - filmed by the samoan - cut by @stokedonice

Smuggs is known as being a family resort, so it was necessary to have the oleh. oleh doesn't get a nickname (like dad), for he is to be respected. He's like splinter of the ninja turtles, except he doesn't live in the sewer and he's not a rat - snitches get stitches. 

Smugg's terrain is so happening - steady long pitches, tree lines for days, hikes to stashes all over the place, sigh - drool.  Many marvelous glade memories were created on this adventure - totally stuffed our brain bags. 


Smugglers' Notch really really was used for smuggling. First when President Thomas Jefferson was like, "nah Great Britain and nah Canada - no trade for you", but northern Vermonters' where like, "we told Montreal tradsies for life - shesh" (smuggle). Then slaves used the notch to escape to Canada for their freedom. Then during prohibition liquor was smuggled down for the masses. Canada's the best. 

The Madonna Lift Line is 2,200 continuous feet. It's a definite gnar woof - like they open that? They patrol that? Yep. 

Snowshoe adventure dinner - yeah we said it. SNOWSHOE ADVENTURE DINNER! So Tuesday nights you take the Sterling lift up with your snowshoes, and you go to this magical cabin where you are feed a gourmet dinner from The Hearth and Candle Restaurant and then you snowshoe down in the moonlight. Swoon. Also - it's BYOB or bring any other libations you deem worthy. This could be a total romantic "kissy kiss" time, or a choice squad night. Also, drunk snowshoeing should be a sport. 

In 1956 Smugglers' Notch Ski Ways opened with two pomas on Sterling. The first working video tape and the first alarm clock with snooze also happened in 1956 - just saying. 

Smugg's has the Batch Badge. It's $129 or $139 if you are over 35 (serves 'em right). Once you own the Batch Badge, lift tickets are $25 a day or $15 for a half day. 

all in  a good hike

all in  a good hike


We can't wait to come back and ride the frozen rivers. 

Thanks so much to Smuggler's Notch, our gracious host mike, and the radical instructors/guides of the goodz.  

crew role call aka snow story characters:

@stokedonice @twoguns19 @oleh_the_guide @kriegersaurus  mike  pete  greg  @adabrowski90 @itillberg  & the samoan


Elisabeth Toft