I just realized that the milk I put in my coffee is rotten.

If I had a nickel….

Anyway, here are some black and white pieces that SHOULD go together.

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This is the Bowery Wall in NYC. It’s a mad famous wall. Big time artists get to put their pant on this wall.

Here is Futura greeting his subjects.

(Pixote still on top)


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Stuck in traffic in the

Duh, it’s the Bronx.

Pen1 saves the day.


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There’s a whole lot of disrespect going on here.

Better go get mad on the internet.

SN Who is Dirk Ebilly

01.21.2018 Brooklyn

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While I was in Boston picking up a whole lot of suck - I got Flea fever.

Cook it up and put it in a light bulb! Am I right!


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Pizza took this flick in Paris.

Space Invader royalty.

Tile the crown.


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Good Job guys!

Neo Scae

Miami 10.27.2016

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If someone was like, “You can have your own planet! Who would you like to design it?”

I would pick Gats.

Portland 05.02.2019

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A Billboard takeover is sure a thing of beauty.

Weast just Top Doggin it.

Brooklyn 07.16.2017

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Wanto has been stamping mailboxes - borough to borough.

Send city.

NYC 05.09.2019

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These signs are good cutters. If you need to cut someone and you don’t have a knife, try a sign!

Smells & Cash4

Brooklyn 05.19.2016

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Every time I see this I choke.

I choke on my own drool.

Elms Bat Ola Blake Serve Loose Merk

NYC 06.12.2019

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all words and photos (except noted) by grandma samomo

Now here are some words so the "eyes of google" can find us:

graffiti, bangers, fills, legal walls, vandalism, benching, wild style, burners, sloppy jalopy, trippy times, drippy times, fumes galore, getting up, all city, all country, all world, paint the world, no dumping, squat

troll is life