UP IN THA TIP .... The BurkeWoodBoys Connect

Before the world stopped some of our East Coast crew went up to Jay & Burke to ride wif tha BurkeWoodBoys.

The two crews formed like Voltron.

Four members of our story left Mount Snow on Sunday afternoonish. It was March 8th 2020 also know as the stupid idiot day the clocks go forward to ruin your life. With 12 jobs between these four upstanding citizens one could assume the crew was running on fumes and tequila.

That night’s destination was The Adobe House at Crofter’s Green. Crofter’s Green is a land of themed tiny houses for staying in - built by our friends who moved to Costa Rica. (More about this tiny house nation later).

The drive was 4 hours. This dance troupe made it in six.

Then they passed out in the hot tub.

The next day the sun shone down on the posse like they were the chosen ones. Visibility was full blown frontal. The crew had never seen Jay lit up in this way. It was a balmy beach party.

They rode wif the dingo, they rode with the Ian, they also rode wif a bunch of people that insisted that they had names like rock and crack.

Cody won a bunch of awards and like 12 billion dollars.

He also taught a class on how to fall asleep everywhere, at all times.

At the end of the day the crew ate the best snow meal ever that doesn’t go in your pocket.

Miso Hungry in tha tummy. Said no one ever.

This day was rated 10 lens caps.

They returned to the Adobe house to listen to De Barge.

Tuesday was Burke day!

Thanks to Jake’s awesome Coors n steak loving boss. You the best music - Jake boss!

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The park was firing.

(Westside Gunn bullet noise)

The BurkeWoodBoys had their tour ready. Tree lines, cliff lines, & pipe lines. Totally pitted brah.

The BurkeWoodBoys were very gracious. Showing their guest the bestest of manners.

They took the crew to all the shacks for tea. So delightful.

Red carpet lyfe.

Burke was simply radalicious.

Everyone wept when the day was over.

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This uniting of crews was so gang gang we made a shirt about it.

Derek Dingo designed this banger.

Story roll call:

DJ Yuri C Sleepin Cody Naomi BurkeWoodBoys Jake Dingo Devin Grandma

DJ Yuri C is the best for driving evryone erywhere and creating the soundtrack for the adventure.

We missed the injured members of the BWB. Next year…..

Thank you so much to Crofter’s Green for hosting us! We will do a separate interview/story about them.

It will be so professional - we promise.

Photos & Videos in this snow story by Yuri & Grandma

Werds by Grandma